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June 2024

We are pleased to announce the latest features and enhancements to our web portal and app, bringing you an even better user experience.


  • Access all your survey images in one place for easy review and analysis.

  • Easily track unplanned visits in a new dedicated report.

And more!

Centralized Hub for Survey Images

Say goodbye to image hunting! We hear your frustration with finding survey images scattered across Visit details and the Summary report. That's why we're thrilled to introduce a centralized image gallery, accessible through both Visit Survey and Survey modules. It is now all in one place for easy review and analysis!

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New Unplanned Visits Report

Following the exciting launch of new features for unplanned visits, we’ve introduced a dedicated report named Unplanned Visits under the Activity section. It focuses solely on visits submitted outside the regular schedule (such as overtime, extra missions, & added by users), providing visit details and summaries, just like the existing Visits report. Explore the new report and keep your operations smooth and organized!

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Stock Replenishment Report Upgrade

The Stock Replenishment report just got a boost! Track and manage your stock more efficiently with new User info and SKU Type columns for deeper insights into replenishment activities.

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Greek Language Support in Mobile App

Γεια σας! We're excited to bring the mobile app to Greek speakers! Users can now enjoy the app experience in their native language.


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